Legal mail account ?
The web swarms with free webmail providers. You can create a free email address in nearly any country you would need or want to. The data you are providing to the register vary depending on the provider. You are usually […]
The web swarms with free webmail providers. You can create a free email address in nearly any country you would need or want to. The data you are providing to the register vary depending on the provider. You are usually […]
As some readers ask for it, here is the English version of our previous post about the Storm worm. Since July, we have been seeing several mutations of the Zhelatin/Storm Worm/Gang (as F-secure named them). The last one appeared as […]
Back in the beginning of the 70s, phone lines and phone operators were not as secure as they can be nowadays. Moreover, taking a phone and sending calls was very expensive. Of course, as for every new technology, there were […]