Call of Web 2.0

We have modified some behavior on our blog: our posts will systematically be written in french and translated into english (and vice versa), and therefore new feeds are available in french (RSS or Atom) and in english (RSS or Atom). […]

Quite a big Patch Day

No less than 21 vulnerabilities have been published during the April Microsoft Patch Day, spread among eight bulletins. Five of them are rated critical because a remote attacker can exploit them to execute arbitrary code: MS09-009: two vulnerabilities in Excel […]

A Conficker.C payload spread by P2P

As we already mentioned, variant C of Conficker incorporates a sophisticated peer-to-peer mechanism, allowing for payload transfer between infected hosts without any attempt to connect to the famous domain names. This mechanism has been active for several weeks. However, during […]

Publication of Conficker tools (Updated)

In previous posts, methodologies and tools related to the detection and eradication of Conficker were discussed: generic VBS script to remove Conficker A/B/C using mutexes to build a digital vaccine against Conficker C TCP and UDP ports generation used by […]